Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Trip to The Urban Farmer

Double click the video for full screen.

We really enjoyed finding this hidden gem in pompano beach! The Urban Farmer is a hydroponics' farm who successfully grows all types of veggies and fruit in South Florida! When we went they had strawberries, eggplant, different types of lettuce, cabbage, kale, colorful rhubarb and all the herbs you can possibly think of (and I'm missing a lot in-between)! They had a cute little farmers market where I was so happy to find their juicing cucumbers for 25 cents! The staff was very friendly and everyone I spoke with started up a conversation with us and tried to help us out with what ever we needed. They helped me pick what seeds will thrive in this time of year in florida. One of the head farmers explained to us how amazing okra is and that we need to try it! He was such a nice man with so much to learn from. They have classes on farming and composting which I want to attend soon. I started my seeds and they are happily sprouting! Can't wait till they fruit! 
I really enjoyed our trip to the Urban Farmer and would love to bring my family there to see it. It truly made me feel inspired to not let go of the gardening in my back yard. I feel that if I take a class or too it will help my confidence and will help me pant more! Happy late Earth Day! 
 Love always 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Urban Farmer

Sunday we took a trip to the Urban Farmer! It was a great experience and really motivational! I don't want to give too much away just yet but heres my favorite three pictures from the farm wile you wait for our review video.

Love BB

Look at all that Kale!!

Ok ok... 4 pictures!! My handsome Fiancée and son!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


 Okay... So I'm not going to lie with this one, I did a few mess-ups which is why this isn't a recipe post, just inspiration! You can cook a good gluten free pizza crust with cauliflower, but I managed to cheat the one step which makes it work! Do not try to boil the clauiflower just because you think the microwave is BAD!- It will end up being too watery and the crust will not bake the same =[....too bad I found that out the hard way! Ill figure a better way to get around it next time with out boiling. Either way the flavors were amazing even though it was a little OD on the daiya cheese! Hope this inspires you to just give something a try even though you have no idea what you are doing! You live, you learn and you end up a better cook because of it! Next time I will nail this crust but for now, its more like a casserole in my fridge right now.  
Love always BB

Thursday, April 5, 2012

GLUTEN.. the evil monster that can't be seen and NO ONE believes!

18 days vegetarian!!!! HIP HIP HORRAY! I resisted the smell of my mothers MEAT PACKED chilly at my babes 1rst bday party! Sausage, ground beef & bacon-  EW! NO THANK YOU! - Sorry mom your chilly is really yummy but not for the animals! 
Everything has been going great besides a few run-ins with GLUTEN.. the evil monster that can't be seen and NO ONE believes! Every time I slip and think if i just take a few bites of a birthday cake, or a few chips at a mexican restaurant it will be fine - literally the NEXT DAY my face gets a little swollen and pimples take over my face! They get big a really swell if I don't make sure to stay off the gluten. It is a bit hard since I am new to this and don't know everything its in even though most of my diet is clean and not processed. -Oh well I guess you live and learn!
Besides that being a vegetarian has been great! My family thinks I'm nuts, my fiancé thinks I'm going to pressure him into not eating meat. Everyone things I am pushing, when I am not even suggesting.. ya know the normal reactions to being VEG. Its almost like a guilty conscious they need to defend? I don't know! But I have been neglecting the site a little due to birthday parties, family visiting and weddings and its not going to get any better until next week!
So, instead of giving a recipe, ill leave you with a little meatless inspiration instead!
Quinoa & Lentil stuffed peppers! Yum Yum Yum!
My non vegetarian fiancé LOVED this to death! It actually can be vegan if you opt for diaya cheese instead of the regular cheese I put on his. ENJOY!!

Love always

Family Moments Pt 1 - Lip Smakking

Double click the Video to watch it bigger!

So, I think I am going to start to do a small series of videos capturing moments of our son growing up. Basically: Home videos with fancy music and titles!
I'll be doing this not only to make sure we remember and never loose memories and footage, but for the family who does not have Facebook and can't see everything we post. 

Giggles and lip smacking over dinner time. 
Such a beautiful moment between father and son 
I really hope you enjoy =]

Love always