Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hungry For Change - Take a bite!

...or it was 2 days ago!
Today is my 3rd day being vegetarian/vegan! I put a slash in between them because I have been staying mostly to vegan with a few slices vegetarian gluten free toast (which had eggs and such in it ) I had this morning but wise no dairy & no meat !
3 days ago, after searching the web listening to what vegans had to say and looking up recipes, I came to realize,
Why do I preach what I preach?
Why do I do what I do ?
Why do I cook raw, vegan meals and then have chicken the next day when I know as much as I know?
I know whats right, whats best and I know what to do but ..
After that I decided, "To day is the day!!". 
I really wanted to post that first day and express how motivated and compelled I was but that motivation turning ran me to Whole Foods to stock up on organic veggie goodness! After cooking up a mean quinoa salad my Fiancé and I snuggled and watched a movie some organic red wine. When I told him what I decide he smiled and told me "Great Babe! Good for you! Im so proud of you!",
when I know what he is thinking is, "Crap! I'm in trouble now!"
Bubs sharing a veggie meal with me for lunch.
A LOT ended up on the floor!
He has also been very interested in health and all things average people don't know about food - he loves any good conspiracy theory and I think he considers the truth of health one too. Like me, he preached and did so much, but left out a few details. He actually once told me, "Im scared your going to become a vegetarian". When I asked him why he replied, "Because then you'll make me stop eating meat", with a sort of "sad face" expression on his face. Well, this boy from Montana is being honest! Honey, I will not force you to do anything! You can eat my vegan meals, which you like, but I will ask you to cook your meat your self if you want some =]. Sorry! Love you!
But I have been staying strong! I have decided what I am going to do and I have not looked back! It feels great being empowered! Tomorrow I plan on starting the Crazy Sexy Diet Cleanse! I have been eating pretty close to it, besides a few details. 

I am not going to blab to much today but I want to share one thing with you:
Hungry For Change

This is a movie about what we are doing to our self with food, how we are not aware of what we are doing, how the industry manipulates what is going on and what we can do.
I think it is important for everyone to watch this film. Most of the people in this video I have been following for a wile and respect and trust. I hope to share this video with some people I know can relate to this, hear what me and my fiancé say but don't quite understand ( and probably don't believe until it comes out of someone else's mouth). I really hope people are starting to become more aware of their bodies and what they put in it, not just what they put on it- thats why I made this blog! I would love if I could just open one persons eyes and help them follow the path I a following. I will continue to show what I am doing to encourage others. Check it out! It is a free preview for the next 10 days and after that you will have to perchance the film. 

Love always

Monday, March 12, 2012

Raw Hemp Seed & Zucchini Hummus!

Double click the video to view it better!

This is my first recipe video! Its a great alternative to a chickpea hummus or a nut based hummus. It is much easier  on your stumic than beans and nuts so the whole family will love it! It has the same taste as hummus but more creamy and has a lot more nutrients in it!

Just measure out the ingredients and throw them in a food processor or blender! Heres what you will need:
6 TBS Raw Hemp Seeds
1 1/2 Tbs of Either Olive, Flax or Hemp Oil
1/2 Cup of Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice
3 TBS of Tahini
1/2 TSP Of Pink Himalayan Salt
1 1/2- 2 Cups Zucchini 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Acidental Vegan

"..oh wait, I was vegan all day and didn't even mean to be!"
No really, thats what happened! I started my morning off with a wheat grass shot with my fiancé followed by a green smoothy. For lunch I made my regular: nori rolls with cashew cheese, mock-vegan-tuna fish and lots-oh-veggies! For dinner I ended up having left over meatless and tortilla-less tacos with letice leafs instead- yum yum yum. It seems planned but I've never gone an entire day vegetarian or vegan! I usually will have some sort of egg breakfast which is the hardest thing for me to change since its my easy, go to regular. Getting rid of that just because we ran out of eggs made it so easy! We normally will have some  meat for dinner but since my hubby was at a meeting, there was no need for heavy cooking!
All in all, I limit my meat but don't want to take it fully out until my baby is done breast feeding (the weaning has begun!).
But let me tell ya, I feel great! I feel energetic, clear minded and satisfied too! I have already lost a few pounds after starting the wheatgrass, I'm sure if I keep eating like this after I'm done nursing, the weight will come off like nothing! 

As for the salad above, it was my lunch today and was to die for! So fresh, crunchy and flavorful!
All you need is:
1 Avocado
1 Tomato
1/2 Cucumber
1/4th Bell paper (red or orange)
1 Tbs Minced Onion

The dressing I did with out measurements, its more of a guessing and tasting game than a science. I used:
Rice Vinegar
Honey Mustard
Regular Yellow Mustard
Olive oil
Italian Herb mix

 Chop, Mix & DIG IN!
Vegan tuna salad nori rolls

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Growing Grass Update #2

Grass is greener on this side

Alright,  I promise I will stray away from the wheatgrass topic for a while and bring you some great recipe videos after this post! But for now, its day 3 guzzelin' wheatgrass shots! I am feeling great! Today my head feels totally clear, I have truly been in a fog since I have stopped taking medicine for ADD under 2 years ago. It was the first time I really felt awake with out any stimulus - just aware, happy and light. I could get use to this! I can only Imagine how I will feel when I start adding a green juice or smoothy for my daily breakfest!

 Today I cut up all my grass and bagged it! I already have a jar starting to sprout and so I can be ready when this is all gone!

But even with all this goodness coming from this experience, I am really having a hard time with this juicer! The Dr. Squeeze got a lot more juice out today than the days before, but I have more concerns now. Today was the second day I could not take apart the juicer and had to wait till Hubby came home from work to get him to manhandle it for me! I remember the same thing happened to my mother when she use to use this juicer.
The juicer comes with a tightener to secure the parts. Sounds great, but if you tighten it too loose it starts to un-turn it self and not juice. If you tighten it too tight, you are stuck like me waiting for a man to twist this damn thing off! This makes it so you can't even clean your machine for hours!! On top of that, I couldn't even pull the pulp out when it was on or off! I might have to see if I can find a manual hand crank wheat grass juicer some place for a good price since I really want to keep this up but the machine just isn't for me (even with its pretty green color)! Maybe I have a bad machine but thus far I would not recommend this juicer to anyone! Any suggestions on any good, affordable hand cranks?! 

The picture above, my babies feet, is just for the cute factor! I hope you have noticed a beautiful new quality to my picture from this post, it is because my fiancé and I have bought a Canon 5D ! He will be showing me how to edit videos so I can bring lots of new information to you in a visual! Hope you enjoyed the new resolution of the pictures! I sure love taking them!

Always with Love

Friday, March 2, 2012

Growing Grass Update 1

Hooray!! My Wheatgrass is grown and ready to chug down! It was very painful to slice it up actually. It grew so vibrant and green, and so much faster than anyone expected (my family that is)!! I have already started to soak the next batch of seeds so it will be done in time when I finnish this round.
 Heres my juicer : DR. Squeeze. This is a handed down bad boy which was left unwanted and lonely in my parents garage. Luckily, I decided to dust it off and rev up its engine! After growing some beautiful grass I started juicing yesterday for the first time. Above you can see how much I cut out for the two small shots! I knew it takes a lot of grass to get a small amount of juice but gesh! I felt like I had to help pull the pulp out to get it to really go. I looked up reviews on Amazon and someone else had the same problem : not enough juice.

 Unfortunately, I do not want to spend money right now on a new juicer, but might consider a cheaper hand crank which I heard works just as good for a fraction of the price. Im crossing my fingers and really hoping that some dear family member will be generous to get us a Omega #8005 (or something close) for our wedding! I could replace my average juicer and wheatgrass juicer with one easy to clean machine which gets MUCH more juice out and will save a lot of money in the long run. I'm sure my mom would be glad to have her hand-me-down juicers back to give it a try.

 Anyway, I'm off topic and am just telling my self that so I don't get frustrated with this machine! The wheat grass was surprisingly sweeter than I remembered! It tasted way better than the shots my mom had ben doing. Hers were definitely bitter and old, which is why she got sick from it. I took the shot after a cup or two of water ( not sure if the order was right or not). I think since I have not been drinking coffee it made me feel almost like I did a shot of expresso. I was surprised to feel energy almost like my blood was pumping stronger. Today, my second day taking wheatgrass I feel like my mind is clearer. I hope I keep seeing improving results!

Sadly, I am not starting my cleanse right away since I am still weaning my wee-one from nursing. It is going well but I do not want to start a full on cleanse and detox wile he is still taking in my milk. In the next few or so I really do hope to start. I need to be healthy and full of energy wile my monkey starts runs around (or more like walk first!). Hope you try some wheatgrass! Anyone have any experiences?

Love always BB