Saturday, March 3, 2012

Growing Grass Update #2

Grass is greener on this side

Alright,  I promise I will stray away from the wheatgrass topic for a while and bring you some great recipe videos after this post! But for now, its day 3 guzzelin' wheatgrass shots! I am feeling great! Today my head feels totally clear, I have truly been in a fog since I have stopped taking medicine for ADD under 2 years ago. It was the first time I really felt awake with out any stimulus - just aware, happy and light. I could get use to this! I can only Imagine how I will feel when I start adding a green juice or smoothy for my daily breakfest!

 Today I cut up all my grass and bagged it! I already have a jar starting to sprout and so I can be ready when this is all gone!

But even with all this goodness coming from this experience, I am really having a hard time with this juicer! The Dr. Squeeze got a lot more juice out today than the days before, but I have more concerns now. Today was the second day I could not take apart the juicer and had to wait till Hubby came home from work to get him to manhandle it for me! I remember the same thing happened to my mother when she use to use this juicer.
The juicer comes with a tightener to secure the parts. Sounds great, but if you tighten it too loose it starts to un-turn it self and not juice. If you tighten it too tight, you are stuck like me waiting for a man to twist this damn thing off! This makes it so you can't even clean your machine for hours!! On top of that, I couldn't even pull the pulp out when it was on or off! I might have to see if I can find a manual hand crank wheat grass juicer some place for a good price since I really want to keep this up but the machine just isn't for me (even with its pretty green color)! Maybe I have a bad machine but thus far I would not recommend this juicer to anyone! Any suggestions on any good, affordable hand cranks?! 

The picture above, my babies feet, is just for the cute factor! I hope you have noticed a beautiful new quality to my picture from this post, it is because my fiancé and I have bought a Canon 5D ! He will be showing me how to edit videos so I can bring lots of new information to you in a visual! Hope you enjoyed the new resolution of the pictures! I sure love taking them!

Always with Love

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