Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Are you going to join?!
The Vegan
Rebel Kale Kult 
I have made a new blog that I think will be way better than this one! More inspired with more direction!  Everyone asks me to share my recipes and its time i got more focused with it and made something better from it! I hope to make more videos and one day merchandize! Its amazing how the change of the name can bring so much more motivation! 

To me this is what it means..
When you are vegan/vegetarian everyone thinks its like a religious cult! Embracing this and laughing at it brings a little empowerment and humor instead of it being a condescending label. I used the word rebel, because thats what us vegans and vegetarians are, we are going grain of society and the media. A rebel is someone who is unconventional and rejects the norm, wile fighting for what they believe. Rebel is such a powerful word that should be embraced when rising for the right reasons for change. I used the word Kale because its huge popular health food now across the board in nutrition. People that are far from vegan are adding kale into their diets just purely based on its nutrient power! This is why I think that anyone can "Join the Rebel Kale Kult" just by adding some meatless meals of greens into their diets! 

I want to make people feel empowered by making the right choices about their health and I want to open their minds on what is going on with our food we are being fed!
 I want to share the message of how health and wellbeing can brighten your life and change how you feel everyday! I hope you will go against the grain join the Rebel Kale Kult©! (Even if its only just for one day a week!)
Grab a salad and a fork and 

Here is the site:
Here is a preveiw of my first post I am updating now on the new site! Zucchini Boat Pizza! Gluten free and can be made vegan or not! So delish!! I hope you will check it out! =]
Xo B

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Garden Week 3 Update!

 Everything is growing pretty well! I am so exited to see my first pepper on my tree! Cant wait for this stuff to really start growing!! Need to separate the carrots and beats soon! I am hoping my husband will make me a raised garden bed this week end, or I just might be doing it my self! Haha!

Live Well, Be Well & Shine Bright

Vegan Sushi Recipe!

Okay, so its been a little wile. A lot of good meals have been missed but I must start making more commitment to posting since many people are curious! I am glad to have started up a mini stir and slowly more and more people are asking me questions and a lot of the people are unexpected! It feels great to share just a little bit with someone and help them open their mind =]

Yes thats right! Sushi can be vegan and super delicious! In request of my friend KiKi, this weekend was girls night and sushi! Girls night did not work out, but I still got all the sushi I could fit in my tummy ! (Dont worry KiKi! I will make some vegan sushi for you soon! )
Literally, the next morning after I made this and posted pics on Instagram and Facebook I got a call from Codys family in Montana. It was just after breakfast for us so I can only imagine how early it was over there, they are early birds. =]  They were so excited that they could not wait to ask me how I made this sushi! They are not vegetarians by any means but need to make some appetizers and a main dish for some gluten free and vegetarians at a wedding they are catering very soon. Pretty cool that I can help them out with making a vegetarian dish! =]
I wrote them a email with the things that I learned by making sushi for the first time and videos that I watched before making them! I figured I would share what I wrote them!

What you will need:
-Bamboo Rolling Mat ( you can find at most grocery stores but an Asian market was where I got mine for cheap)
-Rice Vinegar
-Sushi Rice or Brown Rice
-Nori Rolls (seeweed/ also at most grocery and health stores but cheaper at a Asian market)
-Vegan Mayo
-Sugar or Stevia
-Siracha Hot Sauce
-Fillings of your choice:
Vegan Cream Cheese
Red Pepper
... the list goes on to your imagination!

Of course you can use soy sauce, tamari or liquid aminos along side ginger and

The first thing you will do to get it out of the way because it is so easy is make the Spicy Mayo!
All you need is
Vegan Mayo
Siracha Hot Sauce

This is the simplest recipe ever! All you need to do is take as much may as desired and mix in Siracha to your taste! For presentation, I put the spicy mayo in a ziplock bag and cut of a corner to pipe it on top of the rolls when serving. This stuff is so good! You can also dip sweet potato fries in it and it tastes like the real thing! Just dot go over board bc it is oil, fat and soy!

Next thing  you will do is make sticky rice in either a rice cooker or a pot.
This is where you will need your rice vinegar and stevia or sugar. This guy over here can explain better than I can how to make the sticky rice! 

Here is my first roll!
Next thing is how to roll!
These two videos were very helpful to me and helped me nail the recipe with their techniques.
Even though this one is not a vegan recipe, it is very helpful!

Okay, yeah so I cheated out a little with showing you through video but I am no professional and this is how I learn things visually! I hope it helps you better to see it then for me to just word it! I did not have enough time to make my own video unfortunately! Just Waiting for my Hubbie to help me make new videos! (hint, hint!)

Okay now that you have got that all down I want to share some key tips that really helped me out!

*Cut the fillings into match stick like slices.

*LESS IS MORE with the brown rice! The more rice you use, the less fillings you can put in. Also, waiting to use rice until it is cooled down, but still slightly warm seemed to help than when I waited till the rice was room temp.

*When cutting the rolls use a sharp WET knife, dipping it in water and cleaning it in between slices or as needed.

*Squeeze tightly to make sure all ingredients are

*Put the cream cheese in a ziplock bag and cut a corner to pipe it into the roll easier.

Well I hope you all try to make some vegan sushi! It seemed really intimidating at first for me but once I got the first roll down, I was so confident I made SIX rolls for my family and so we could have left overs! This meal is pared great with some home made miso soup like I did! I used extra mushrooms , extra green onions and tofu! It is very easy to make and is on the label of the miso when you buy it!

Miso Soup
Sweet Kid Roll

I also tried to make a sushi roll for the baby! I figured vegan cream cheese and mango would be super yummy why wouldn't he like it! Well, of course this picky little guy wouldn't like it because it looks STRANGE! I try, I try! If only he would try, he would realize how yummy momys cooking is and how lucky he is to be my son! Haha!

Live Well, Be Well & Shine Bright

Monday, February 11, 2013

Its NOT a Challenge any more! Vegan!!

We did it we did it, And I couldn't be prouder!!
It was fun, it was tasty, and here I am 31 days in! (promise I will stop counting days and maybe just months! haha)
Today is full of left overs from yesterday and that yummy Mexican casserole that I made last night!
So I just wanted to share my beautiful son enjoying a green smoothy from this morning!

I had almost finished my morning Green Drink and Jayce came walking over and saw there was a spoon left in my cup! He picked it up and fed some of the left overs to me, then....
this happened!

Garden is growing! And even though I was hesitant to start because of how late I was, it is starting to sprout!! First time growing beets, carrots, beans and peas! Just look at that beautiful color of the beet leaves!