Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"A shot of chlorophyll right to your blood stream!"

Okay, I'll try to contain my excitment!
I definitely will be making a video sometime about growing wheatgrass once I get the whole thing down. This is actually the first time I have grown it, and will be the first time I actually will be doing shots religiously - well...not including my college alcohol phase, lol.
I am actually quite excited to be starting up on this. I have recently read Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr after hearing a lot of great reviews about it and thought it was exactly what I was looking for! A lifestyle with no grains, dairy-free, whole foods, lots of juices and real factual philosiphies. I will review her book and explain the 21 day cleanse I will be doing from her book when I start (as soon the wheat grass is ready!). For now I will talk a little about wheatgrass.

I have started to get ready for this cleanse by cutting back on meat and have slowly removed coffee from my diet. Coffee was a HUGE thing for me. What artist (or fashion designer) have you seen who doesn't drink coffee?! Its our fuel, our blood! When deadlines come and late nights turn into weeks its what we reach for as a life support. In all reality a little coffee is alright, but we sure do over do it and it doesn't even work the same way when we do! We become addicted to it with out realizing, until the day we miss a mug full! We pour in bleached highly prossesed sugar substitutes and/or creamy dairy products with even more sugar and chemicals, up to the rim. Now, that was my problem. I couldn't give up the creamer even with replacing my horrible Splenda habit with the all natural stevia. So after reading Crazy Sexy Diet, I figured I would at least TRY to give it up. 
Every day I left a little more crack (coffee) in my cup until the mug was almost full. That last day was hard! I mostly missed the sweet taste and the habit of having it with breakfast. The first day or so I felt a little out of it but did not have a headache, it definitely wasn't as bad as I expected. Its 1 day shy of a week now and I need something to give me a boost when starting my day. Enter : Wheatgrass
In Crazy Sexy Diet she says to check out Michael Bergnozi since he is the wheatgrass king! After exploring his website and taking in all the information possible, I found a company called Got Sprouts? under his links. I was so excited to find a company relatively close to me that sold quality wheatgrass seeds! Got Sprouts? actually delivered them to my door- thats 40 min drive for them! 
I soaked,
I sprouted,
I planted,
and I (soon) will conquer !
The best part about Got Sprouts? website is under FAQ. If you are visual like me, lazy, or just want to learn more, then this is a great place to spend a few hours! I watched all the videos before the seeds came in the mail and I feel like a pro already! 
But the big questions are 

There was a few reasons why I decided to grow my own wheatgrass instead of purchasing it already grown.  My mother and I have started growing some container organic gardens and realized how much money it saves to grow your own! Its so much more convenient to walk to your backyard for tomatoes, then to go to the local organic market and drop big bucks. I started sprouting other seeds, so why not grow my own wheatgrass! I got 2 pounds of seeds and a tray for about $9! You need less than a pound to grow a whole tray so its WAY cheaper than spending $10+ on only one fully grown tray of wheat grass. 
One of my concerns was my mother had tried wheatgrass before and actually got sick from it! I found on Got Sprouts FAQ page that Michael Bergnozi discussed how important it was to make sure you cut your grass at the right time and that most juice bars do not grow it them selfs, thus their grass tastes more bitter and people feel sick. This was very important to be since I did not want to have the same thing happen to me and I also wanted my mom to try it again with out worrying.

Wheatgrass is a powerful detoxifier that brings oxygen to your blood with its high chlorophyll content.  It is full of vitamins B-12, B-6, K & C and beta-carotine. It cleanses the colon, liver, gastrointestinal track wile protecting your organs for observing toxins! It also stimulates the thyroid gland and alkalizes your blood flow! The list of reasons why to juice wheatgrass is endless. Check out Benefits of Wheatgrass from Hippocrates Heath Institute .. Man, I hope I hope I will be able t study there some day!
It certainly gives me reason to try it!

I have learned a lot from researching online but the best test is to try it your self! The only rule is make sure you do it everyday! Only a few times a week won't make a difference!
Hope this has inspired you to think about wheat grass.

  "A shot of chlorophyll right to your blood stream!"
-Kris Carr

Love always

Creamy almond butter

This is a recipe I tried for the first time this weekend. I was craving something salty and sweet, so I looked through my cabinet. There was nothing salty and sweet that was also not bad for you and nutritious. So i took a bag of raw almonds and decided to make something new! Creamy almond butter! MMM!!
all you will need is :
-2 Cups Raw Almonds
-1/4 Tsp Pink Salt (or to taste)
-Food Processor
- Tbs of Unrefined Coconut Oil
-1/4 Tsp of Gluten-Free Organic Vanilla Extract
Some other ideas I did not use in this recipe: Honey, cinnamon, stevia, raw cocoa
Time: about 20 mins
Easy steps:

Add 2 Cups Raw Almonds to food processer

Now this is the most you will have to do besides making sure the almond mill doest get stuck on the sides. It goes get pretty loud when doing this - I had to actually make this in my office room so I wouldn't wake up my baby from nap time in the living room!

Keep mixing! Make sure to occasionally take a spatchula and help the almonds blend all together. 

After a LONG 20 mins here is what you get! Now its time to blend in some extra flavors!

Coconut oil is optional but I like the extra benefits it gives the almond butter. You won't taste much coconut until after you put it in the refrigerator and it will make it more solid like a traditional peanut butter.

   Give it a quick pulse to mix all ingredients completely together.

Pour almond butter into mason jar or any air tight container, and try not to spoon too much into your mouth before this step!

 Tah-Dah! you have made your very own home-made Almond butter! A great alternative for the kids for yucky-not-so-good peanut butter. You can add it on bananas, celery, in healthy raw baking recipes and even more! I used mine in a green smoothy! Kale, spinach, banana, raw cocoa powder, raw maca powder, spiraling, ice cubes and almond milk (and of course the almond butter) all blended together for a delicious, creamy, green but cocoa almond butter smoothy to satisfy that salt, sweet tooth with all the nutrients!!
What did you use your almond butter for?

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The next chapter (or more like next whole book)

Who am I?
Well, I am a graduate of The Art Institute of Ft Lauderdale. I received "Future Fashion Designer" award when I graduated that year- but WHAT AM I DOING NOW?! I still love all things art and creative but with a different twist. Caring so much for this little baby boy in my belly, I raced home from the concrete jungle right back where I really belonged. Bye-bye beautiful city lights of New York City- Hello proud mommy. Life has changed. Im not the same designer strutting down the street with spikes, paint and glitter running down my body just to be creative- my life is now all about the little guy (and the big one too- my handsome fiancĂ©!). I have a closet and drawers full of designer clothes I can't fit into anymore after giving birth. Now Im on a journey to get back to who I really am- not the old me, the NEW ME.
Love Always
<3 BB