Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Creamy almond butter

This is a recipe I tried for the first time this weekend. I was craving something salty and sweet, so I looked through my cabinet. There was nothing salty and sweet that was also not bad for you and nutritious. So i took a bag of raw almonds and decided to make something new! Creamy almond butter! MMM!!
all you will need is :
-2 Cups Raw Almonds
-1/4 Tsp Pink Salt (or to taste)
-Food Processor
- Tbs of Unrefined Coconut Oil
-1/4 Tsp of Gluten-Free Organic Vanilla Extract
Some other ideas I did not use in this recipe: Honey, cinnamon, stevia, raw cocoa
Time: about 20 mins
Easy steps:

Add 2 Cups Raw Almonds to food processer

Now this is the most you will have to do besides making sure the almond mill doest get stuck on the sides. It goes get pretty loud when doing this - I had to actually make this in my office room so I wouldn't wake up my baby from nap time in the living room!

Keep mixing! Make sure to occasionally take a spatchula and help the almonds blend all together. 

After a LONG 20 mins here is what you get! Now its time to blend in some extra flavors!

Coconut oil is optional but I like the extra benefits it gives the almond butter. You won't taste much coconut until after you put it in the refrigerator and it will make it more solid like a traditional peanut butter.

   Give it a quick pulse to mix all ingredients completely together.

Pour almond butter into mason jar or any air tight container, and try not to spoon too much into your mouth before this step!

 Tah-Dah! you have made your very own home-made Almond butter! A great alternative for the kids for yucky-not-so-good peanut butter. You can add it on bananas, celery, in healthy raw baking recipes and even more! I used mine in a green smoothy! Kale, spinach, banana, raw cocoa powder, raw maca powder, spiraling, ice cubes and almond milk (and of course the almond butter) all blended together for a delicious, creamy, green but cocoa almond butter smoothy to satisfy that salt, sweet tooth with all the nutrients!!
What did you use your almond butter for?

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