Friday, January 25, 2013



JANUARY 25TH, 2013

Breakfast Green Smoothy

Lunch was awesome mix of left overs from last night tacos! I chopped up some romaine lettuce  topped it with the lentils and sated peppers and onions, avocado, cherry tomatoes and used salsa as a low cal, low fat but very flavorful salad dressing! It was very good and filling and I ate it right up after a 30 min yoga sesh! Yes that was the first work out I have done in probably 4 months! I need to get back on it!

For dinner I took a whole head of broccoli and steamed it. Sautéed some sweet papers and onions and made a orange glaze sauce with fresh squeezed oranges from my back yard! It was so delicious! Topped it with some tofu! I was also craving something sweet so I took a can of La Croix Coconut Sparking water and put some stevia and chopped up straw berries in it! Very good! Almost too sweet!

Live Well, Be Well & Shine Bright
Love Always

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