Tuesday, January 15, 2013


January 12, 2012
Vegan Challenge
yes...... I have realized the passed few days are a little out of order.. sowie! Bare with me please =P

 Saturday Morning I was glad to wake up with my husband off of work! I decided to make a big vegan brunch to start the day off! I made some potatos, tofu scramble and some gluten-free began pancakes!! Might of not been the most healthy nutritious breakfast but sure was it hearty!  The tofu scramble was sooo good that even my mom who is bluntly reassuring about her "love and need for meat and dairy" said that she actually liked it MORE than eggs!!! How amazing is that!

For lunch me and hubbie kept it quick and simple for lunch! Event hough we were not totally hungry yet we knew we had to fill out bellies! We had a baby shower to go to and we were unsure of all the temptation that would be served at the event. We expected it to be like any party, probably cheese and crackers, cake, cookies, all the stuff we do not want to be snacking on before a meal as well because it is not vegan! And we were close, but not quite! We walked into the shower and there was about 3 tables of delicious and cheesy smelling italian good! We were so happy we came full! Chicken, pasta bread and cheese covered all the ingredients! Luckily! There as one big thing of salad and only one out of all the 5 dressings that was vegan! I just munched on a little of that since I ingredients get enough greens for the day!

Live Well, Be Well & Always Shine Bright

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