Friday, January 11, 2013

Vegan Challenge Day 3

Everything is all and well! Started my day off with a good and hearty green smoothie!
Kale, spinach, frozen banana, 1/2 of a apple, stevia packet and spurillina and toped with some hemp seeds! Keeping it slightly simple as I wean my self into a green morning monster!

For some reason I did get a little hungry earlier this morning so I snacked on some pistachios. YUM!

Not the best picture of dinner but it was very yummy!! Steamed kale, only seasoned with pink salt, pepper, garlic powder and nutritional yeast. Yummy read beans with caramelized onions topped with some hot sauce! The beans were really good! And lastly, quinoa with cartons, onions, leeks and peppers! I tried to not cook with any oil this meal which turned out pretty good. The only oil I did use was a about a tbs on the finnish product of quinoa ( it was 2cups dry, so a lot of quinoa!). It was a great well rounded meal packed with protein! Baby J liked the beans ALOT and he ate some quinoa as well.
He was a breastfed baby who started off eating really well. I would feed him only grass-fed beef since I wanted him to make his own choices with meat. He would eat that with garlic, onions and peas and carrots. Now he backs away from anything green. =[ I think family trips where older kids have been eating "junk food" have changed his taste buds!
He loves all the starches and cheeses, as many young kids do. I have started to make him mac and cheese with vegan cheese and quinoa pasta and grilled cheese with sprouted ezikiel bread, dayia cheese and earth balance, both of which I will usually sneak spinach into! It is really hard to get a small child to eat healthy when you cannot reason with them with communication. As time goes on I will always try to put the healthier things on his plate to teach him how to eat right.

Daddy read the baby a story before bead time and since the baby has been refusing milk of any kind, I made sure he had something nutritious and hydrating!
I was so happy with how healthy he ate tonight! We just have to keep putting the right things in front of him again!

Coconut water!! He absolutely LOVES this stuff and I need to make sure to keep adding it to the grocery list each week!

Finishing off the night with some Yellow Tail red wine and made a birth-WEEK strawberry spritzer with Rain Organic Vodka for my wonderful husband!

Each day I am feeling light and good! It is easier than I expected! We will see as more traveling comes up later in the month- and of course....the BIRTHDAYS.... CAKE CAKE & MORE CAKE! I will hold strong! Hoping to go to Sublime, a vegan restaurant for my bday as well as my husbands! 

Live Well, Be Well & Shine Bright
Love Always

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