Friday, March 2, 2012

Growing Grass Update 1

Hooray!! My Wheatgrass is grown and ready to chug down! It was very painful to slice it up actually. It grew so vibrant and green, and so much faster than anyone expected (my family that is)!! I have already started to soak the next batch of seeds so it will be done in time when I finnish this round.
 Heres my juicer : DR. Squeeze. This is a handed down bad boy which was left unwanted and lonely in my parents garage. Luckily, I decided to dust it off and rev up its engine! After growing some beautiful grass I started juicing yesterday for the first time. Above you can see how much I cut out for the two small shots! I knew it takes a lot of grass to get a small amount of juice but gesh! I felt like I had to help pull the pulp out to get it to really go. I looked up reviews on Amazon and someone else had the same problem : not enough juice.

 Unfortunately, I do not want to spend money right now on a new juicer, but might consider a cheaper hand crank which I heard works just as good for a fraction of the price. Im crossing my fingers and really hoping that some dear family member will be generous to get us a Omega #8005 (or something close) for our wedding! I could replace my average juicer and wheatgrass juicer with one easy to clean machine which gets MUCH more juice out and will save a lot of money in the long run. I'm sure my mom would be glad to have her hand-me-down juicers back to give it a try.

 Anyway, I'm off topic and am just telling my self that so I don't get frustrated with this machine! The wheat grass was surprisingly sweeter than I remembered! It tasted way better than the shots my mom had ben doing. Hers were definitely bitter and old, which is why she got sick from it. I took the shot after a cup or two of water ( not sure if the order was right or not). I think since I have not been drinking coffee it made me feel almost like I did a shot of expresso. I was surprised to feel energy almost like my blood was pumping stronger. Today, my second day taking wheatgrass I feel like my mind is clearer. I hope I keep seeing improving results!

Sadly, I am not starting my cleanse right away since I am still weaning my wee-one from nursing. It is going well but I do not want to start a full on cleanse and detox wile he is still taking in my milk. In the next few or so I really do hope to start. I need to be healthy and full of energy wile my monkey starts runs around (or more like walk first!). Hope you try some wheatgrass! Anyone have any experiences?

Love always BB

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