Thursday, April 5, 2012

GLUTEN.. the evil monster that can't be seen and NO ONE believes!

18 days vegetarian!!!! HIP HIP HORRAY! I resisted the smell of my mothers MEAT PACKED chilly at my babes 1rst bday party! Sausage, ground beef & bacon-  EW! NO THANK YOU! - Sorry mom your chilly is really yummy but not for the animals! 
Everything has been going great besides a few run-ins with GLUTEN.. the evil monster that can't be seen and NO ONE believes! Every time I slip and think if i just take a few bites of a birthday cake, or a few chips at a mexican restaurant it will be fine - literally the NEXT DAY my face gets a little swollen and pimples take over my face! They get big a really swell if I don't make sure to stay off the gluten. It is a bit hard since I am new to this and don't know everything its in even though most of my diet is clean and not processed. -Oh well I guess you live and learn!
Besides that being a vegetarian has been great! My family thinks I'm nuts, my fiancé thinks I'm going to pressure him into not eating meat. Everyone things I am pushing, when I am not even suggesting.. ya know the normal reactions to being VEG. Its almost like a guilty conscious they need to defend? I don't know! But I have been neglecting the site a little due to birthday parties, family visiting and weddings and its not going to get any better until next week!
So, instead of giving a recipe, ill leave you with a little meatless inspiration instead!
Quinoa & Lentil stuffed peppers! Yum Yum Yum!
My non vegetarian fiancé LOVED this to death! It actually can be vegan if you opt for diaya cheese instead of the regular cheese I put on his. ENJOY!!

Love always

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