Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A Trip to The Urban Farmer

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We really enjoyed finding this hidden gem in pompano beach! The Urban Farmer is a hydroponics' farm who successfully grows all types of veggies and fruit in South Florida! When we went they had strawberries, eggplant, different types of lettuce, cabbage, kale, colorful rhubarb and all the herbs you can possibly think of (and I'm missing a lot in-between)! They had a cute little farmers market where I was so happy to find their juicing cucumbers for 25 cents! The staff was very friendly and everyone I spoke with started up a conversation with us and tried to help us out with what ever we needed. They helped me pick what seeds will thrive in this time of year in florida. One of the head farmers explained to us how amazing okra is and that we need to try it! He was such a nice man with so much to learn from. They have classes on farming and composting which I want to attend soon. I started my seeds and they are happily sprouting! Can't wait till they fruit! 
I really enjoyed our trip to the Urban Farmer and would love to bring my family there to see it. It truly made me feel inspired to not let go of the gardening in my back yard. I feel that if I take a class or too it will help my confidence and will help me pant more! Happy late Earth Day! 
 Love always 

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