Wednesday, January 9, 2013

30 Days of Vegan Challange! Day 1 & 2 !!

It has been SOO very long and so much as happened! From traveling, to holidays to getting married and honeymooning!! I am back and after traveing to ATL this passed weekend I am starting my "New Years" as of yesterday! And how am I doing this?!?!


I have asked my husband and good friend KiKi to join along! And of course I might be a day short but my brilliant MR. told me I should be blogging about it each day with pictures for every meal!
Here it is for ya!

Since my husband and I have gotten married in November, our eating habits have been out of control! I started eating more fish, and indulging in cheesy, fatty and fried foods! We both want to get back to how good we use to feel and look so why delay!!

I made up this small challenge because I have been dreaming about one day I will go vegan when I am ready, which I imagined could be years and years from now! I was/am too afraid of the difficulties it brings when no one else you know is vegan. Figuring out meals when out and traveling, figuring out were to go, what is vegan, what isn't.. Just seemed too difficult. I figure this is the perfect way to dip my foot in and see how it goes! No pressure! Its not about if you make a mistake, its about carrying on and learning through the next month!

I want to show you most of what I eat every day and inspire you that it isn't that hard, but at times it still is! I do not make up all these recipes from scratch but I will be sharing with you their sources as well! Hope you enjoy!!

Since yesterday I forgot to take a picture of the amazing zucchini pasta I made, I will start off with my YUMMY breakfast!!


 Chia Seed Morning Pudding!!
All I did was take a few spoons of chia seeds and put it in a mason jar with some raw cocoa nibs and some coconut milk to soak over night and a little bit of stevia. It is so easy and all you have to do is shake it up a few times and top it off in the morning with what ever you when you are 1/2 awake! I cut up 1/2 a banana, and handful of strawberries, blueberries, dates, toped it with some cinnamon and hemp seeds! So delish!!
Also yesterday was my first morning to start my day off with a full glass of lemon water- Yum!
Even the baby hopped up on my  lap and wanted to eat my breakfast!

 Started off my day off with a green smoothie with my friend Kiki after we had a lot of wine and true blood reruns the night before! It was very yummy and I was quite impressed that I still had my touch after not making a green smoothy in over 3-4 months!! Wish I had a picture of it But I downed the sucker on the way to the doctors office!

For lunch after the doctors and a lonnggg wait I went to Moe's Southwest grill and had a burrito bowl VEGAN STYLE! NOM NOM so good!! I just love mexican food and it is still so good to eat even with out the flesh and cheese!!

Meal #3!
I got this recipe off of pintrest and just like every recipe, I make it my own!
It was portobello mushroom pizzas! Loaded with veggies! and goodness! I don't know if I would of named it a "Pizza" since it was very hard to pick up and not use a fork and knife.
Even with that in mind it was super good!
The side dish was asparagus and brussels sprouts with Earth Balance vegan butter and a fake beacon with lemon, pepper and garlic! AMAZING! This was something I just mixed up my self!!

To the recipe I added a dollop of  red sauce and toped it with the amazing DAYIA CHEESE!! I also added some spinach into the veggie mixture. Very good!

Avery good day with very good food! I feel good and excited!
I will be back tomorrow with some more pics and great food!

Live well, Be well & Shine Bright

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