Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Whats the point?!

After a short bloggin vacay- Orlando and back! I sit here and think,

"Why am I doing this?!"

Well The answer is, at its core, simple... and it might have changed from week to week, but I would like to continue this for one reason,
For people who think vegan food cant taste good
mostly because they haven't been exposed to it, seen it, or tasted it. They think that they could never give up meat beacuse, well, what is there with out it?! I want to make food that is satisfying for any pallet. I want to make good food that is good food, meatless is just a plus side!
Every time a non vegan tastes my food and are pleasantly surprised, it gives me the greatest sense of joy! Not because I think that they will go vegan, but because they realize, "Wow!! Vegan food can be very good!"
I just hope that I can impact even a few people, to just inspire them to skip one meat meal occasionally, a little do they know, thats a animal's life saved along with their hearts and waistlines.
Live well, Be well and always shine bright

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