Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Sunday, January 13th 2013

For lunch I made chickpea "tuna" sandwiches! Totally winged the recipe, a little of this, a little of that, taste test and good!.. I am Italian after all!! We had a little sauerkraut salad on the side ! Yumm!!

After I made this I gave some to both my  (non veg) mom and dad try it. My mom actually said she loved it so much, she would actually make this! I am so proud =]

Since it was sunday, this ment my husband was outside doing yard work. What was I doing?!...Making the best flax & chia seed crackers that I have ever made!! I definitely will be making a recipe with this one! Perfect to dip in the humus I made the day before!

For dinner I made one of my new favorite Italian dishes! Sweet potato and zucchini lasagna! I use zucchini instead of pasta and a sweet potato cheese like filling! This time my mom gave me a egg plant so I snuck that in the layers! I top it with red sauce and lots of Dayia cheese!! I made this for the first time when my husbands couisin and boyfriend came over for dinner. They were over the moon and LOVED it!! I still love cooking this dish! It is very filling and so much more healthy for you than normal lasagna, it is gluten free and so much lower in fat than if you used real cheese and added meat in it! Nom nom nommm!! =]
Just look how thick and yummy those layers look! 

I am feeling very well and feeling as if this isn't a challenge now but more like... I have made this decision and I don't think I will go back! I already passed craving meat! Occasionally I will smell something with meat or cheese and think YUM- but as soon as the smell goes from my nose to my brain, the craving goes away since I actually know what it took to make that dish. I am pretty creeped out with eggs and all the problems with dairy just done seem appetizing. I really love the food I eat and am really happy!

Live Well, Be Well & Always Shine Bright


  1. Your meals look fabulous! Would love love love if you posted your recipes!! :)

  2. Thank you! I plan on posting more recipes and making some more videos soon! =]
